Horseshoe-shaped Gorge River Waghur, Ajanta
Site photographs & videos from various projects at different locations we have sucessfully implemented
We have also shared some important information which we have aquired by being in this field for nearly 3 decades.
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Drilling at Ravet Site |
Drilling at Maggarpatta Site |
Common Problem -Plastering due to Improper Flushing |
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Very Old Well At Saswad Site |
Spring At Mugavde site, Mulshi Taluka |
Stream Flow Meassurement |
High Yielding Aquifer Encountered while drilling, Sangamner Site |
Heavy Inflow from Aquifer observed in Excavation |
Discharge in Basement due to High Water Table |
* Groundwater is safe for use, more than 75% of the world population depends on groundwater for their water requirements. All the same groundwater can get contaminated and hence proper care needs to be taken.
* Groundwater is a naturally occurring resource & no one can guarantee that it can be tapped via borewells only in the North-East corner as claimed by VASTU consultatns. Any shallow well or tank open to sky can be constructed in the NE corner to comply with VASTU norms and get the benefit of exposure to higher amount of UV rays during sunrise, but groundwater needs to be tapped where it is available & if required can be brought & stored in the NE Corner before being utilized for domestic or other purpose.
* Earth Resistivity is prooven to be the best scientific method for groundwater survey. This is especially true for Basaltic terrain. Electromagnetic methods & ground penetrating radar are more useful in fractured granitic terrains with a thick overburden. Divining or dowsing though have been claimed to be successfully implemented, but the problem is the authenticity of the person conducting the survey. No one willingly speaks about their failures?
* Use of computer to interpret groundwater survey data does not ensure success. Manual interpretation in field based on actual ground co-relation is much more reliable than that based on numerical formulae in the laboratory. Moreover, all doubts regarding the interpreted results can be clarified before initiating the drilling operation when interpretations are carried out in the field.
* No Geologist, Engineer or Diviner using any kind of instruments can actually see & therefore, assure the availability of groundwater. The risk of drilling a dry well can be reduced by taking appropriate advice from a qualified & experienced Hydro-geologist offering advice on a turnkey basis. If 95% success is being claimed by the surveyor, then there is a high probability that you land up in the 5% failure category. Scientifically speaking 95% accuracy is Perfection- & No One is PERFECT
* Groundwater within the hardrock Deccan baslatic terrain does not flow in small veinlets in the subsurface similar to streams on surface, and they definately do not cross each other, but they can join up and flow as one. Hence, drilling on a specific point on surface above such imaginary crossing is no guarantee of a good yield.
* Slight deviation from the location marked in field is acceptable & does not lead to a failed borewell, especially, if there is a really good potential of groundwater in the area. The spot at which drilling is undertaken & the spot marked can be as much as a meter apart.
* Drilling a deep borewell or drilling with low pressure rigs is not the key to ensure success. Today's "Low Pressure Rigs" were once referred to as "High Pressure Rigs" too.
* It is advisable to drill at least 10 to 15 m (30 to 50 ft) below the last aquifer (water bearing horizon), this is especially true within the low yielding Basaltic terrrain. The depth of the aquifer differs from place to place due to the natural variation within the subsurface. Drilling slightly deeper ensures that the pump can be lowered down to the level of the deepest aquifer encountered while drilling.
* It is advisable to "Flush" the borewell using detergent powder on completion of the drilling work. This helps the fine rock powder that is left behind in settling to the base & prevents the impellers of the new pump from getting spoilt due to the abrasive nature of the fine rock powder.
* Groundwater struck while drilling both at shallow or deeper levels is not unlimited source of fresh water supplies. This source may dry up or get affected with time, or the yield may get affected due to drilling of other wells in the vicinity.
* Drilling with "High Pressure Rig" does not change the course of flow of groundwater. Due to the higher amount of fine dust produced, low yields are difficult to measure accurately & many a times the borewell is wrongly declared as dry.
* Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting is a way of artificially recharging the groundwater system. It does not guarantee a higher yield, especially true for high yielding borewells, nor does it guarantee a 100% elimination of surface runoff. Rainwater harvesting for recharging the groundwater through well or borewells when properly executed do help in improving the quality of available groundwater, there may also be an increase in the overall quantity of water that can be derived from the well, atleast during the monsoon & post monsoon periods. Moreover, it is a social obligation to put back what we remove from the system.
* While implementing Rainwater harvesting systems it is advisable to avail proper advice as it can lead to the groundwater getting contaminated, due to the avenues created for recharging purpose. Once contaminated, it is very difficult & cost intensive to clean up the groundwater systems.
* A pumping system should be selected based on the application & not on the cost. Cheap systems may not be best suited, the same holds true for costly systems. Hence, a proper selection is essential. A proper selection of pump is not based only on the depth of the borewell or the yield struck while drilling, but it is a combination of the yield, the depth at which it was struck & most important the amount of water that is required on a daily or hourly basis. Ideal pumping system leads to long term savings.
* Success or failure of the borewell should not be based on the yield struck while drilling, but its applicability to the use it needs to be put to. (e.g. a borewell with an yield of 1/2" while drilling [105 LPH] when properly managed can yield up to 2400 l per day which is sufficient for a small family, with a small garden patch.)
* It is advisable to subject the borewell to appropriate disinfection treatment on completion of the pump installation work. In urban areas it is advisable that this process is carried out on a regular basis (at least once in 3 months).
* Groundwater struck in construction pits during excavation activity cannot be sealed by simple water proofing but needs to be treated properly to reduce the constant hydrostatic pressure being exerted from outside so that the seepage in basements are minimized.
* It is wrong to connect the discharge of bassement dewatering pumps to the existing storm water drains. This high quantity of extra water had not been taken in to consideration in the initial planning for these stormdrains, and will lead to the system failing and will cause water logging on low lying areas, especially during the monsoons.